วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

See how to tell the quality of Bisque dolls

In the case of you decide that you want to collect antique bisque dolls, so you need to learn how to tell the quality of the doll, because dolls from the same maker can vary widely in price, depending on the way the doll's face is painted, on the body style and on the quality of the bisque dolls.

Bisque dolls should be without too many black flecks and pin holes or pimples. The bisque dolls should be slightly translucent and not chalky, and not too heavy. A well-painted bisque dolls should have finely detailed painted eyelashes as well as eyebrows, well-accented lips and cheek blush that is not too heavy or blotchy.

Commonly, collectors prefer bisque dolls on jointed composition bodies which allow more posing which simple carton (paper mache) bodies jointed only at the shoulders and hips, or stiffer all-leather bodies. For bisque dolls French Fashion dolls, a jointed wood body or other body allowing posing is preferred to an all-leather body one. These are just only some basic guidelines, but I'm sure they are enough to help you start evaluating your first antique bisque dolls.

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